Thursday 13 March 2014

Mediatakeout Slams Dencia, Say She Looks So White Like Paris Hilton

The thing is, however we look at it, Dencia’s cream has made her an international celeb, good or bad.
At least, Mediatakeout won’t just let her be as they talk about her all the time.
The international website this time is comparing Dencia’s complexion to that of Hollywood celeb, Paris Hilton; I really don’t see the resemblance, I guess it has to do with the puppy.
Mediatakeout even made a mistake calling the Nigerian/Cameroonian, Ghanaian instead, Lol.
Meanwhile, here’s how they are reporting it…

March 11, 2014: Dencia, a Ghanaian recording artist is trying to sell SKIN BLEACH to Black people around the globe. She needs to be STOPPED . . . can someone start a PETITION OR SOMETHING . . .
See pics below: -
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