Thursday 12 September 2013

741-Pound Gator Caught In Mississippi - Believed To Be The Biggest Aligator In The World

 A 13-foot, 6.5-inch gator weighing 741.5 pounds was taken by Dalco Turner of Gluckstadt, Miss., on Sunday morning on the Mississippi River near Port Gibson. It took Turner and two other hunters an hour to finally snare him.

“He broke three lines, and I had the only hook that stayed in him the whole time,” Turner told the Clarion-Ledger.

It almost didn’t happen. “We passed it by the first time,” he said. “We really didn’t think he was big enough to go after.”

Turner’s record catch came a week after the state record for heaviest gator was broken twice within hours.

On Sept. 1, a 723.5-pound gator was caught by Beth Trammell in a canal near Redwood, Miss., according to, breaking the previous state record of 697.5 pounds.

But Trammell’s record was short-lived. An hour after the record was certified, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks’ Alligator Program coordinator Ricky Flynt processed a record 727-pound gator that was snared by Dustin Bockman, a UPS driver from Vickburg, Miss., who took the 13-foot, 4.5-inch gator in the Mississippi River near Big Black River.


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