Monday 27 April 2015



Just barely one month the result of the March 28, House of Representatives poll in Ika Federal Constituency was announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, the candidate of the Accord Party, in the election, Hon. Doris Uboh has dragged the winner, and candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Hon. Victor Nwokolo to the National Assembly election tribunal holden at Asaba, petitioning that the election was invalid by reason of corrupt practice(s) and non-compliance with the provision of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as Amended)-section 138 (1) (b) of the ELECTORAL ACT 2010 (AS AMENDED).

Since the news filtered into the air, some concerned Ika indigenes have continued to express mix-feelings over the development. Many people who spoke with Ika Weekly on the phone are vehemently against it, while a few applauded it. Those who kicked against it posited that it was wrong for Hon. Doris Uboh to go to the tribunal over an election that was won by Hon. Victor Nwokolo in a landslide and which has been adjudged freest and fairest.

They opined that elders and stakeholders in Ika land should intervene in order to allow Nwokolo concentrate on his legislative duties as time has now come for people to accept defeat just like President Goodluck Jonathan did. It will be recalled that the litigation against the election of Nwokolo as House of Representatives member representing Ika Federal constituency at the Green Chamber of the National Assembly in 2011 ended at the Court of Appeal after three years and in favour of Nwokolo. However, the few who are in support of Uboh's action were of the view that Nwokolo did not win the election and that the court should nullify it on the ground of corrupt practices and non-compliance with the provision of the ELECTORAL ACT.

Nonetheless, both those in support of Uboh's action and those against it are entitled to their opinions but, they should know that no one person's interest is bigger than Ika nation. The only way our dear Ika nation will move forward is when it has selfless, visionary and committed leaders. Our point is that neither the interest of Uboh nor Nwokolo should be bigger than Ika nation. Our federal constituency should not be subjected to litigations at the end of every House of Representatives election, while other federal constituencies in Nigeria are enjoying effective representations.

We are not stating that Uboh's action over the out-come of the March 28 House of Representatives election in Ika federal constituency was bad or not butwe are advising that both Nwokolo and Uboh should tread cautiously so, as not to sacrifice Ika nation's interest for theirs. We are not oblivious of the fact that a winner must emerge in every contest, hence, the need for politicians to yield to the advise of not trading with Ika interest. Monies meant for Ika development, though have not been well accounted for in previous administrations should not be shared with lawyers who do not have the interest of Ika people at heart.

Whatever that is meant for Ika people should be given to them. And anyone who wants to get vote from the people should work towards winning their support. The truth, though bitter has to be said, if Nwokolo truly won the March 28 House of Representatives election as declared by INEC, the idea of going to court is bad. If the reverse is the case, affected persons should avoid embarking on another marathon court cases that may at the end of the day be at the detriment of Ika people. We call on all the traditional rulers in Ika land, leaders of thought and all who are interested in the progress of Ika nation to join hands and intervene very fast in this matter to avoid both parties wasting the money due to us for as it is said, a stitch in time saves nine. Any politician who love Ika federal constituency should yield to this advise and jettison his or her personal interest, for according to our local parlance, Ika Rin Nma Orini Enyinle (if Ika land is good it will be good for all of us).


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