The death toll at the College of Agriculure, Gujba ,Yobe State has risen to 78. At least 50 of them were students who were attacked in the early hours of yesterday morning as.....


Annel Snyman, a 31-year-old, from the Waterberg region of South Africa, has adopted a tiny cob of a white lion last spring. Now the lion, called Tima.....


Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were.....


20 year old Miley Cyrus appeared completely naked in the music video for her new single, Wrecking Ball. She's really a wild child, isn't she? See more photos and the new video after the cut...


Ladies, can you rock this dress?

Thursday 30 April 2015

Sorry, Youths: General Buhari Inaugurates 19-Man Transition Committee With 85-Year-Old As Chair (SEE LIST)

Nigeria’s President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 inaugurated a 19-man transition committee, laden with the responsibility of making for a smooth handover from the President Goodluck Jonathan administration.

Heading the committee is 85-year old Ahmed Joda, who is to be deputized by a senior associate of the Lagos Business School (LBS), Doyin Salami.

Other notable members of the committee include Rivers State Governor Rotimi Amaechi, Audu Ogbe; John Odigie-Oyegun and Lai Mohammed, the All Progressives Congress (APC) National Chairman and Publicity Secretary respectively and David Tam-West.

See the full committee members below:

1. Mal. Ahmed Joda – Chairman
2. Dr Doyin Salami – Vice-Chairman
3. Mr Boss Mustapha
4. Mal. Muhammad Hayatuddin
5. Alh. Abubakar Malami SAN
6. Brig. Gen. Lawal Jafaru Isa
7. Sen. Hadi Sirika
8. Sen. Audu Ogbeh
9. Barrister Dalong
10. Mrs Bola Adesola
11. Mr Wale Edun
12. Mrs Nike Aboderin
13. Dr Ogbonnaya Onu
14. Mr Festus Odimegwu
15. Chief John Oyegun
16. Gov. Rotimi Amaechi
17. Dr. Tam David West
18. Alh. Lai Mohammed
19 Mal. Adamu Adamu – Secretary
Addressing the committee members on the task ahead, General Buhari said: “This assignment is onerous though it is well within your ability to accomplish, you are enquired to assess the information provided to you and advise me on its quality and accuracy.“It is a simple matter but you must have the right information if you are to shape appropriate policy decisions. Needless to repeat; that your committee and our government are not on a witch-hunt or engage in fault-finding.
“We want the facts and nothing but the facts, what has been done cannot be undone, our job is to learn from the mistakes of the past in an attempt to avoid similar errors.

“The two weeks given to you to complete your assignment, are short but because of the postponement of the election from February 14 to March 28, the transition period has been truncated, we are obliged therefore to fast-track steps to May 29.”

General Buhari went on to detail the terms of reference of the committee.

The terms are:

    develop a clear framework for liaison with the outgoing administration for purposes of a smooth handover/takeover and to receive handover documents from MDAs and itemise the most important or most urgent issues confronting the incoming government;
    review government’s outstanding contractual obligations and its ability to meet such obligations and the status of implementation of capital projects;
    undertake a preliminary assessment of the security challenges facing the country and the counter-insurgency measures taken by the outgoing government;
    take a look at the counter policy measures being implemented in the Niger Delta to deal with unrest and major economic crimes in the area;
    review the status of the amnesty programme, the readiness of the police and other national security and intelligence agencies in addressing threats to law and order;
    provide a brief overview of the Central Bank of Nigeria , the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, the Nigerian Communications Commission , the Nigeria Customs Service and the Federal Inland Revenue Service.
    suggest “quick fixes” which will result in tangible, visible and practical measures so that change will be seen after 30 days, after 100 days, after six months of the administration taking office; and
    make any other observations which will be helpful to the transition and take-off of the new administration.

Okowa inaugurates 98-man transition committees in Delta

Delta State governor-elect, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, has inaugurated three committees comprising 98 persons for a smooth transition process.

Speaking during the inauguration at Government House, Asaba, Senator Okowa informed Deltans that he would ensure equity and fairness in running the affairs of the state, adding that membership of the committee was not an automatic ticket for membership of the state executive council.
According to him, the committees, which include Technical Committee on Programme Development/Governance, Committee on Handover and the Committee of Night of Praise, will ensure a seamless transition in the state.

The governor-elect said that the terms of reference for the Committee on Programmes Development/ Governance include making preparation for the smooth take-off and implementation of the policies and programmes of the incoming administration after inauguration; advice on governance structure, size, relationship and best practices that will enable greater efficiency and outcome; examine the 2015 budget and advice in line with work plan.

Earlier, the chairman of the state Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Chief Edwin Uzor, urged members of the committees to work assiduously, with due diligence and in consultation with other members to move the state forward and ensure lasting peace in the state.

Monday 27 April 2015

Petite Beauties! Toke Makinwa & Mocheddah looking fab (Photos)

The beautiful and stylish denim clad ladies hooked up today..Outfits on fleek

The Look of Love! K Switch baby mama & daughter

Checkout the way he's staring at her..Doesn't it make you want to shed a tear of love ..

Kate Henshaw looking fierce for stage performance (Photos)

Kate Henshaw looking very fierce and African for her "Hear word" stage play performance yesterday..
Beautiful woman!

7 Types Of Prostitutes In Nigeria (SEE IT)

1 Local Pro sti tutes
These are the types of Pro sti tutes my Yoruba friends calls “sarewa” meaning “rush come”, they are always present in every hood.
NB: All they need is recharge card then you are free to explore the unexplorable.

2 Part-time Pro sti tutes
They will be the one to call you whenever they are broke so that they can pay you a visit, but during the visit! miracles shall happen. keep calm, they are just part-time oloshos.
NB: You will also pay for their t-fare.

3 Full-time Pro sti tutes
These are the real deals. you will always find them only at night around suya joints, beer parlors, on the streets and their main industries.
NB: They charge very low, you can even try your luck with N750.

4 Holy Pro sti tutes
They are regular church or mosque goers but they can’t just do without having some lashes within the week then during the weekends, you will see them asking for forgiveness.
NB: They always emotional after the ministration, some will even start crying and you will start feeling guilty.

5 E-Pro sti tutes
They are more like OLX or konga all you need to do is to negotiate with them online and trust me, they will never fail you you will always find them on every social networks even on Badoo
NB: They charge high.

6 Corporate Pro sti tutes
They are always at our work place, schools even in our hoods. They are always good looking whenever you see them, but all they need from you is to approach them, take them out for shopping, then the main ministration will take place at night.
NB: They don’t have time for dating and long stories coz they already have their parners.

7 High-Class Pro sti tutes
If you are not a billionaire, don’t just render yourself useless by going near them or else! you know the rest. They are always patronized by politicians, successful businessmen, popular actors and so on.
NB: They also play international matches.

16 Ways to Know You’re Dating a Real Man

As a woman, there’s nothing better than being in the presence of a man who relishes in his masculinity in a way that doesn’t involve the obvious chest-pounding and cat-calling, but the confident reserve of a gentleman. Now, before you accuse me of hating men, let me be clear; I love more things about men than I can put into one article. This is not about finding female empowerment though man-bashing. Quite the opposite, actually. It’s a celebration of the grown up man’s man who knows how to treat a woman. What does this man look like, to me, at least? Well…

1. He is hygenic, but cleans his nails and trims his nose hairs outside of a nail salon. Think about it: Would Hemingway or Gladiator be getting his nails buffed? Methinks not.
2. He can balance both swag and sophistication and a career and a personal life without too many proverbial exclamation points (and certainly not multiple ones in a text message. No, no, no).
3. He reserves his “LOL” for actual laughter, which he exudes out loud and often.
4. He isn’t looking to play “pen pal” with you through your iPhone because he knows that all text and no play makes Johnny a very dull boy.
5. When he’s interested in a woman, he doesn’t wait three days to call her, but he does actually call her, and when he does, he asks her out for dinner, makes reservations, picks a great bottle of wine (because he knows how to) and then makes sure she gets home safely.
6. If he wants to see her again, he lets her know, and if he doesn’t, he politely lets her know that it was a pleasure to spend time with her, even if it wasn’t. He does, however, let her know gently and firmly enough that he’s not interested so that she doesn’t waste her time thinking it might become something it won’t.
7. He reads actual books and newspapers and holds opinions on everything from scotch pairings to world events all the while understanding that not all of his opinions are facts and that not everyone has to agree with him in order for him to maintain his relationships or his manhood. In fact, he enjoys it when you don’t agree with him because it means he gets to indulge you in a good debate or leave you thinking a little bit harder about things than when you sat down in front of him.
8. He opens doors and takes coats, not because he feels a woman is weak, but because he is strong enough to show that he cares about the comfort of those around him.

Amber Rose steps out in revealing rubber mesh jumpsuit (Photos)

Amber who is currently on a UK club tour stepped out in this one of a kind rubber mesh outfit ...Sexy right!



A Port-Harcourt based businessman and one time chairmanship aspirant in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, Mr. Gilbert Aluge has expressed gratitude to the Almighty God over the victory of the Peoples Democratic Party , (PDP) candidate in the April 11 governorship election, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa. Mr. Aluge also applauded Ika people and indeed all Deltans for massively and sacrificially casting their votes for Senator Ifeanyi Okowa .

He said the much craved for governor of Anioma extraction has finally come to pass. According to him, Senator Okowa's well deserved and overwhelming victory is a march on to quality service as state governor and an affirmation that God is the Almighty and that the PDP remains a strong force in the state.

In his words, :this is a new dawn for Ika people in the history of Delta State politics. I sincerely say a big thank you to every person God has used to contribute to this resounding victory that has elicited
great joy across Delta State.”

He appealed to Deltans and Ika people in particular to key into the opportunity created by Okowa's victory to provide an enabling environment for the governor elect to execute his God given visionary mandate without boundaries, shun personal interest and contribute towards the overall development of the state.

“To God be the glory, Senator Okowa's victory has brought great excitement and joy across the state like never before. Frankly speaking, it has never happened this way before. To state the obvious, it is the first of its kind in the history of our dear Delta State. Truly, when the righteous is in power, the people rejoice. The name Okowa, no doubt is synonymous with joy and crowd pulling. Deltans have never had it so good. Kudos Ekwueme, our governor-elect”, Mr. Aluge concluded.



The Delta State Governor-elect, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, has pledged to impact on the lives of Deltans. He gave the assurance when he received in audience a delegation from the Asagba of Asaba, Obi Prof. Chike Edozien, who came to felicitate with him on his victory at the just concluded Delta State governorship election.

He said his major assignment as governor of Delta State is to bring development, peace and unity across the state, saying he would do his best to ensure that every section of the state was carried along and given its due recognition and attention.

While praising the Asagba for his sterling leadership qualities, which he has consistently displayed in projecting the interest of Anioma people, Senator Okowa reassured Deltans that he will always be guided by equity, fairness, transparency and the fear of God.

“We will be accountable to the good people of Delta State by partnering with them in all areas to ensure all round performance. My promise to be governor of Delta State, and not just a section of the state will never be compromised. We will remain committed to the well being and prosperity of our people,” he reiterated.
Senator Okowa while thanking the Asagba for the visit, said his administration will not shy away from doing what is right and promised to give the state capital, Asaba, a befitting facelift, even as he assured of accelerated development across the state.

Earlier, the leader of the delegation, the Iyase of Asaba, Chief Patrick Onyeobi, assured Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, whom he described as the son of the palace, of the support of Asagba and the people of Asaba, even as he thanked Deltans for voting en-masse for Okowa in the April 11 governorship election. Chief Onyeobi, who was Secretary and Head of Service in the defunct Bendel State Government, while describing Okowa as a man of integrity, equity and justice, who has the requisite experience to govern the state, called on Deltans to continue to give him (Okowa) the needed support as he takes over the mantle of leadership of the state, even as he expressed hope that the governor-elect will do well in all sectors and will also unite all Deltans.



The victory of Sen. (Dr.) Ifeanyi Okowa as the Governor-Elect of Delta State has been described by the members of Licensed Elecrical constructors Association of Nigeria (LECAN, Agbor District as God's ordained judging by the challenges of the elections. The association in a statement signed by its chairman, Comr. V.O Nwaokenye thanked God for the victory of Okowa in the April 11 election. They prayed that the leadership of Okowa will bring good things to all Deltans particularly to Ika people, in the aspect of youth empowerment, good roads and steady electricity power supply.

While thanking all those who contributed to the success story, the association enjoined all professional bodies not to be worried anymore because Okowa's government will touch the lives of all Deltans.



Just barely one month the result of the March 28, House of Representatives poll in Ika Federal Constituency was announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, the candidate of the Accord Party, in the election, Hon. Doris Uboh has dragged the winner, and candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Hon. Victor Nwokolo to the National Assembly election tribunal holden at Asaba, petitioning that the election was invalid by reason of corrupt practice(s) and non-compliance with the provision of the Electoral Act, 2010 (as Amended)-section 138 (1) (b) of the ELECTORAL ACT 2010 (AS AMENDED).

Since the news filtered into the air, some concerned Ika indigenes have continued to express mix-feelings over the development. Many people who spoke with Ika Weekly on the phone are vehemently against it, while a few applauded it. Those who kicked against it posited that it was wrong for Hon. Doris Uboh to go to the tribunal over an election that was won by Hon. Victor Nwokolo in a landslide and which has been adjudged freest and fairest.

They opined that elders and stakeholders in Ika land should intervene in order to allow Nwokolo concentrate on his legislative duties as time has now come for people to accept defeat just like President Goodluck Jonathan did. It will be recalled that the litigation against the election of Nwokolo as House of Representatives member representing Ika Federal constituency at the Green Chamber of the National Assembly in 2011 ended at the Court of Appeal after three years and in favour of Nwokolo. However, the few who are in support of Uboh's action were of the view that Nwokolo did not win the election and that the court should nullify it on the ground of corrupt practices and non-compliance with the provision of the ELECTORAL ACT.

Nonetheless, both those in support of Uboh's action and those against it are entitled to their opinions but, they should know that no one person's interest is bigger than Ika nation. The only way our dear Ika nation will move forward is when it has selfless, visionary and committed leaders. Our point is that neither the interest of Uboh nor Nwokolo should be bigger than Ika nation. Our federal constituency should not be subjected to litigations at the end of every House of Representatives election, while other federal constituencies in Nigeria are enjoying effective representations.

We are not stating that Uboh's action over the out-come of the March 28 House of Representatives election in Ika federal constituency was bad or not butwe are advising that both Nwokolo and Uboh should tread cautiously so, as not to sacrifice Ika nation's interest for theirs. We are not oblivious of the fact that a winner must emerge in every contest, hence, the need for politicians to yield to the advise of not trading with Ika interest. Monies meant for Ika development, though have not been well accounted for in previous administrations should not be shared with lawyers who do not have the interest of Ika people at heart.

Whatever that is meant for Ika people should be given to them. And anyone who wants to get vote from the people should work towards winning their support. The truth, though bitter has to be said, if Nwokolo truly won the March 28 House of Representatives election as declared by INEC, the idea of going to court is bad. If the reverse is the case, affected persons should avoid embarking on another marathon court cases that may at the end of the day be at the detriment of Ika people. We call on all the traditional rulers in Ika land, leaders of thought and all who are interested in the progress of Ika nation to join hands and intervene very fast in this matter to avoid both parties wasting the money due to us for as it is said, a stitch in time saves nine. Any politician who love Ika federal constituency should yield to this advise and jettison his or her personal interest, for according to our local parlance, Ika Rin Nma Orini Enyinle (if Ika land is good it will be good for all of us).


Justice Yunusa Mohammed of the Federal High Court in Lagos, capital of Lagos State, has ordered eleven Nigerian banks to freeze the accounts of a former female member of the House of Representatives, Doris Uboh-Ogunkoya. The court order arose from a lawsuit filed against Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya by Sterling Bank Plc, alleging that she and her company had defaulted on a substantial loan.

Justice Yunusa Mohammed of the Federal High Court in Lagos, capital of Lagos State, has ordered eleven Nigerian banks to freeze the accounts of a former female member of the House of Representatives, Doris Uboh-Ogunkoya. The court order arose from a lawsuit filed against Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya by Sterling Bank Plc, alleging that she and her company had defaulted on a substantial loan. The lawsuit, which was filed by Dada Awosika on behalf of Sterling Bank, also lists the former legislator’s company, Dagasteel International Limited, as co-defendant. Doris Uboh-Ogunkoya

Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya was a House of Reps member from 2007 to 2011. She also ran unsuccessfully as a candidate of the house of Representative under accord party in the March 28, 2015 elections.

An affidavit by Mr. Tunji Bajowa, an official of Sterling Bank, disclosed that Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya and her company received loans of $1,600,000 and N100 million to finance a contract awarded to Dagasteel by different bodies, including the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SDPC), the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), and the Pipelines and Product Marketing Company Limited (PPMC). Sterling alleges that both Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya and her company did not service the loans.

Justice Mohammed’s ordered United Bank, First Bank, Zenith Bank, Enterprise Bank, Skye Bank, Heritage Bank, Keystone Bank, Mainstreet Bank, Union Bank, Diamond Bank, and Stanbic IBTC not to permit the defendants to make transactions on their accounts in the respective banks until the substantive suit was determined.

In addition, the judge issued an interim order restraining the registrar of titles in Lagos and Delta states as well as the director of lands in Abuja from releasing any funds to the defendants connected to the SPDC and NPA contracts.

The lawsuit disclosed that the former legislator provided three parcels of land in Agbor, Delta State, Ajah, in Lagos State, and in Abuja as collateral to secure the loans.

Sterling Bank’s lawsuit added that it faithfully disbursed funds from the credit facilities to the defendants, but added that Ms. Uboh-Ogunkoya and her company never paid back when SPDC paid them for the contract.

The lawsuit accused the defendants of refusing to respond to the bank’s inquiries about the progress of the contracts, adding that the former legislator used the payments she received to fund her 2015 senatorial race.

According to the lawsuit, the defendants were already processing the second part of payment from the SPDC as well as payment from the NPA in order to divert the funds.

Sterling Bank alleged that the legislator and her company had rebuffed numerous efforts by its officials to obtain repayment of the credit facilities. It accused the two defendants of striving to evade their obligations to repay the loan taken Sterling Bank.

Among other reliefs, Sterling Bank wants the court to order the defendants to pay $1.77 million and N117 million naira which are the outstanding values of the loans it extended to the former legislator and her firm.

Sunday 26 April 2015

15 Funny Reasons Why You Are Still Single

Sit back and laugh at the possible satirical explanations for why you’re still single, like me:

1. I’d rather stay in than go out.
When the weather is less than ideal, the most enticing place to spend Friday night is most definitely my bed, not the bar. Unfortunately, the only people to bond with during this time is the cast of “Grey’s Anatomy,” as my binge session continues on Netflix.

2. If I do go out, I’m not remembering the majority of it.
No one wants to date a girl who blacks out every time she goes out, do they? Although, guys, at least we don’t judge you when you end your night the same way!

3. I don’t want to meet your family.
Walking into a room full of strangers whose only goal is to judge me sounds like the perfect afternoon, right? Thanks, but I think I’m going to have to pass on this one.

4. I definitely don’t want you to meet my family.
The only thing scarier than meeting your family is the idea of you meeting mine.

5. I can’t even commit to what I want for lunch.

I don’t even know what ingredients I want in this make-your-own salad. How am I supposed to commit to an actual person? Ugh, life is so hard sometimes…

6. I enjoy having the entire bed to myself far too much to share it.

Why choose a side when I have the entire bed to myself? Look at all of this space I have for the clean laundry I don’t feel like putting away!

7. I love my best friend more than I can foresee myself loving a potential partner.

You already love your best friend and trust her wholeheartedly. She basically fulfills every need you could ever want in a boyfriend. #no homo#

8. I have a low tolerance for bullsh*t.
Relationships are all about understanding, patience and compromise: three things I have absolutely no interest in pursuing.

9. I’d rather hang out with my guy friends.
Guy friends are a huge breath of fresh air from the drama that girl friends can often bring. Who says girls are the whiny ones in relationships? Boyfriends who let the girl wear the pants in the relationship can be even worse.

10. I have trust issues.
Seamless said my food would arrive in 30 minutes; it has now been 46 minutes! How am I expected to trust a person when so many other things in life let me down?!

11. I’m too picky
He’s too short; he has too many feelings. Why does he text me all day? Why didn’t he text me all day? Blah, blah, blah. We need one of those machines where we can input exactly which qualities and traits we’d like in our dream guy, and then he magically pops out and we live happily ever after. Until then, you can find me watching “Law & Order,” entertaining myself with someone else’s problems.

I don’t need my own relationship! I’m too busy trying to keep track of Olivia and Fitz, Derek and Meredith, and Chuck and Blair! It’s exhausting!

12. I want a relationship for all the wrong reasons
It’d be nice not to have to pay for every dinner I eat, on top of my various taxi rides. Also, boyfriends give great birthday gifts!13. Romantic notions make me want to vomit.

I just want someone tall, dark and handsome who will ignore me and treat me like sh*t. Is that so much to ask for?

14. I’d rather cuddle a pint of ice cream than a man.
At least this delicious snack won’t judge me for being myself!

15. I don’t know which I’m worse at: cooking or cleaning.
What’s the point of making my bed in the morning if I’m just going to hop back in it at the end of the day? Who has time to tidy up while running late for work? To top it off, the only thing I’m good at making is a reservation, or placing my order on Seamless. Don’t expect any home-cooking from me.

Meet the 3 Nollywood Damsels who Dumped their Boyfriends for the Industry

So many young Nigerian girls dream of being successful actresses like Genevieve Nnaji, Kate Henshaw, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde. So you can imagine the trauma they are faced with when they finally get a shot to be on TV and out of nowhere, a boyfriend demands they quit Nollywood. Potpourri got chatting with 3 Nollywood actresses- Gold Onuwaje, Chiamaka Nwokeukwu and Peggy Onah who said they dumped their boyfriends cos they were standing in their way to success. Excerpts:
  • He said girls in Nollywood don’t stay in marriages — Lizzy Gold Onuwaje 
Lizzy Gold Onuwaje isn’t new to the world of show business.  Her foray into the make-believe world started in 2006, when she won the Delta State Pageant as Miss Delta State. Then she tried her hands at the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria Pageant (MBGN) where she emerged as the second runner-up.
Like most of her peers who had the undying passion to get into acting, Lizzy had hers too, but it didn’t go well with her boyfriend at the time. She said:
“Initially, he was very skeptical about it. He said girls in Nollywood don’t stay in marriages. To me, it depends on individuals. I don’t think it’s true, because so far, some people like Omotola have kept their marriages. But he saw that I was very passionate about it when I went as far as attending an acting school in Lagos, so he let me be. I told him, it’s either he allowed me do my acting or he let me be. So he allowed me do my acting.” 
Lizzy was quick to add that it wasn’t really her acting that made her drop the guy, rather because he was not measuring up to her standard as a man.
“The affair didn’t crash because I went into acting. The basic truth is he doesn’t have money; so I decided to end the relationship. I dumped him in 2013 because he didn’t have much in terms of money and he didn’t have any push for my kind of man”.

  •  He believed I would be snatched from him — Peggy Onah
Though not yet what you would call a popular item, Peggy has  got it going and hardly stays out of jobs. She opened up to Potpourri recently that her boyfriend almost checkered her ambition but she resolved to follow her heart and what her heart told her was “ run, run, run”.
“ I don’t know how most men perceive the world of  acting. It isn’t the way they see it. They believe anybody going into acting would be soiled by greed and wantonness. My boy friend believed I would be snatched away from him. He asked me to quit and I was just beginning to pursue my acting career. I  couldn’t quit, besides, if he really loved me, he would have stayed. I can sacrifice my career when I’ve   achieved my  dream  in the industry. But now that I’m still striving  to hit the top, I can’t sacrifice it,” she said.

  • He was scared I would become wild – Chiamaka Nwokeukwu
Chiamaka said in her interview:
 “Yes I dumped him for Nollywood because he doesn’t want me to be a star. He doesn’t want me to follow up my career and he has not proposed to me. The guy can leave me tomorrow and now that I have the opportunity, I need to follow up. 
God blessed everybody with talent. It’s not easy to have talent, most people cannot act and when you have the zeal and you can do something, you have to use it well. It’s normal for a boy and girl to meet and if you really love your girl, you would let her go into what she wants. 
When I get married, automatically, if my husband says he doesn’t want me to act again, I will not act again, as long as he’s taking care of me.''
 “He was telling me that he doesn’t want me to act, that I’m a very nice person, I’m humble, that when I go into the industry, I’ll meet big people and I’ll become wild and be doing different things. He didn’t even want me to  start. Immediately I went for my first shoot, he said, `I think you don’t like me’. I said, I like you but let me try it first. This might be where God wants me to be”

Stunning Photos of Mercy Johnson & Hubby at Son's Dedication

Mercy looking so fantastic! Photos are from her baby, Prince Henry junior's dedication. See her with hubby below;

Gov Fayose Dancing After Delivering All Elections In EkitI To PDP

In this posted online by his Special Assistant On Public Communications & New Media, Mr Lere olayinka, the Ekiti state Governor, Ayodele Peter Fayose was dancing in jubilation after his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) won the remaining state house of assembly seat making it 26 wins out of 26.

You may also recall that the PDP won the 3 senatorial slots, all 6 House of Representatives seats and now all 26 state house of assembly positions.

In a popular video game called Mortal Kombat, this can be described as a FLAWLESS VICTORY. Congratulations to Fayose.

Venita Akpofure shows off sexy post baby bod

The new mum who gave birth 2 weeks ago says
2 and a half weeks post partum :D can't get in the gym till after 6 weeks :( so I'll start training my waist but I'm loving my NEW mummy curves...Bigger seems to be better
Looking good

From Miami with love Why I am called the Nigerian Bombshell -Tracy Obonna

Tracy Obonna doesn’t take prisoners when it comes to showcasing her curves. The Nigerian-born US-based actress, model, video vixen and recently, a TV host has an MBA certificate but decided to rest it for the allure of the entertainment world. Ever since she made her mark, she has become a subject of controversy, particularly about the way she shows off her sexy body.

She is known worldwide as ‘The Nigerian Bombshell’, probably on account of her voluptuous body. But since it is better to set any matter straight by hearing from the horse’s mouth, I pinged her to ask her why she is being referred to as ‘The Nigerian Bombshell. What did I get in return? Three bikini pictures you see here now. “I hope these pieces answer your questions” she replied.

Flavour's Babymama Stuns in New Photo

She is look Hot in the Photo.. What you think guys

8 Ways Churches Lead Many To Hell

Singer turned writer, Etcetera, is known for airing controversial opinion articles on various trending topics in the country.

He is however back with a new one, but this time, its about Christians, Christianity and how the present day church is taking millions of Christians to hell fire. Read the intriguing piece below:
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent. – Revelation 3:19.
Much of the church today is living a lie. Many of you have been told continuously that you are saved and headed for heaven. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Many of you are heading directly to hell. The systemised lying that is going on in the church has deceived the pastors and the people alike. It is a case of the blind leading the blind. You all need to pray – fervently because many of you are “lost”. No matter what you call me, no matter how you view this issue, no matter what position you have, no matter what church you attend, you have to admit that something is wrong with the church.

Below are eight facts why the church is leading you straight to hell:
  1. There is almost no evidence whatsoever that the early church had their “services” on a Sunday. They gathered together ‘from house to house’ virtually every day! People did not dress up and “go to church.” There were no denominations or separate groups with different ‘labels.’ They lived their lives together – And the apostles in Jerusalem preached everyday at a huge open-air gathering, not “hidden away” inside four walls. Church buildings do not exist in the Bible. They were invented around 200-300 AD, when the church was in serious decline. Church buildings are anti-New Testament, and they bring with them a host of problems and traditions. It was when the church fell into the hands of Rome that this concept of the “cathedral” took over. And today, we are still spending millions building these beautiful monuments while the worshippers are starving.
  2. The words “prosper” or ‘prosperity’ were NEVER used by Jesus at all – and only mentioned a few times in the entire New Testament. Yet our greedy pastors have built kingdoms upon them. The words – “sell what you have and give to the poor” and “deceitfulness of riches” and “you cannot serve God and mammon” and “woe to you that are rich” were DEFINITELY used by Jesus and the apostles, but you don’t hear them preached by your pastors, do you?
  3. Tithing is not a New Testament practice at all. And it is being shamefully abused by today’s preachers. In the Old Testament, tithing was only applicable to Jews and to the land of Israel and that was at a time when a great number of them lived in Babylon, Ammon, Moab, Egypt and Syria. As a result of that, the land they occupied became tithe-able lands. Tithes were not acceptable from Gentiles’ lands. So my brothers and sisters, you need to ask your pastor why he is collecting tithes here in Nigeria. Also, the only people authorised to receive tithes were the Levites – (Hebrews 7:5). If your pastor is collecting tithe from you, ask him if he’s from the tribe of Levi. Even Jesus who was a Jew couldn’t collect tithes because he wasn’t from the tribe of Levi but from that of Judah. And if your pastor insists that being a worker in the lord’s vineyard qualifies him as a Levite, please remind him that Levites had no land and did not own properties.
  4. The Jesus of today’s church is a “Father Christmas,” a Jesus who exists mainly for our own “happiness;” a Father Christmas who wants to rain down continual blessings upon us; a Jesus of grace and mercy without judgement, righteousness or truth. Our gross misrepresentation of who Jesus really is, is one of the most serious offences of today’s church. We worship a “plastic” Jesus – one that we have painted in our own image. What an offence to God.
  5. What we have today are churches that are so loose that they excuse any sin or misconduct, including homosexuality and adultery. Aren’t we supposed to accept only the truth of God’s word? But instead, we have opted for a modern church that is socially based, smooth and sophisticated, and presented like a Nollywood movie with men and women of ogboni fraternity dressed in their occultic regalia occupying special seats during services. Something is wrong!
  6. What happened to the strong calls for repentance that brought thousands down to the altar to repent and ask Jesus Christ to save their souls? This is the litmus test for Christianity; it is the essence of the Cross; it is the great commission that Jesus commanded us with. If your church is not winning souls, then it is like a barren woman, and it is a shame. Something is wrong!
  7. What happened to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost? Do we even know what it means anymore to feel the presence of the Spirit of God descend on a service and fill up the room with holiness? Or we just love that party atmosphere and excitement when the choir plays a boogie-down song? Or we love to scream “ride on pastor” in the excitement we get when some charismatic preacher works the crowd? It’s been so long we’ve felt the presence of the Holy Spirit that we don’t know what it is anymore. Something is definitely wrong!
  8. Lots of pastors are aware that there is something very wrong with the church today. They know there is little ‘fear of the Lord.’ They know there is no deep repentance or deep moving of the Holy Spirit.
They know that it is just the same old “game” being played every week. A lot of them are very aware of this, but they will not do anything about it. They will not rock the boat. And they will destroy anyone who comes along trying to do something.
They do not want any reforms. There is too much to lose. They have their careers and their “kingdoms” at stake. This is the truth of the matter. Most of you are worshippers of your pastors and not God. Many of you are hell bound. So pray my brothers and sisters. Pray for your souls. Let me stop here and leave room for you to call me names. But do remember that the church is leading you to hell – not me!

Ebube Nwagbo sizzles in all-white for Ini Edo's birthday party

Such a Beautiful woman. Lovely Photos

PHOTOS: Cow Gives Birth To Monster Calf With Ten Lips

This calf in northern India has five mouths and is attracting a stream of human visitors

A weird calf with five mouths and ten lips was born in Narnaul, northern India.

Although the baby cow has five mouths he can only take in milk through two of his mouths. He is being fed three times a day at the dairy farm where he was born. Shocked locals have called the calf Nandi – a nickname for Lord Krishna.

From the neck down the baby, who has been called Nandi, looks like any other calf
It can also mean one who pleases others. In India’s Hindu culture, cows are revered as a symbol of life. Nandi is attracting a constant stream of visitors wanting to celebrate him. Many of them kneel before him to pray and touch his hooves.

Nandi sucks from his mother’s udders with one of his mouths. She feeds him three times a day
Local vet Sukhbir Singh said that despite Nandi’s appearance, he is healthy and thriving. But the calf’s two eyes are positioned in such a way on his distorted head that he can only see to his sides and can’t look in front of him. One eye is blue and the other black. 

Wreaths such as those around the calf’s neck are traditionally used in India during worship
The mutation in animals is becoming quite normal nowadays as more and more weird creatures appear: a goat with six legs, a two-headed cow, a piglet who was born with 8 legs, a lamb born with four eyes, two noses and two mouths, a cyclop lamb with only one eye, two-headed snake and many more.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Obi Of Owa Kingdom with Anthony Elekeokwuri MediaTeam

HRM Dr E .O EFeizomor II J.P; OON; the Obi Of Owa Kingdom with Anthony Elekeokwuri MediaTeam lead by Come Victor Iwekuba at Owa Royal Palace:

The Royal father during the interactive session extol the leadership quality of Mr Tony Elekeokwuri; the member elect Ika North East constituency, DTHA. His Royal Majesty stated that he is quiet convinced that the member elect will present quality and resourceful representation based on his track record, he equally solicits for sustained support from the constituents to enable him deliver to his electoral promises.

“I Almost Committed Suicide” – Tonto Dikeh

Controversial Nollywood Actress, Tonto Dikeh took to her Instagram page  this morning to talk about her struggles with life, how she almost committed suicide and more.

Read Below:

“Woke up reflecting on who I am and how far I have grown spiritually, physically as a woman. I had so much anger, So much venom, so much Hate to give….I didn’t understand why neither did I give A hoot* I thought life Was all I Saw, Most of my anger Came from my Childhood(even though I did have a great childhood),Some came from Been Sick, Another came from been motherless, etc*
Darlings I was broken, I was a walking disaster, A ticking time Bomb*

I was on a suicide part on a regular, sigh# Bottom line I Saved me, I got to realise that no1 cares about your Pain or life, people already have too much on their plate Or are more Angry about life than you are, I came to understand that without me the world would still go on with nothing missed and might even be a better place, you might be missed for a day, week, years but i bet you, u gonna be so forgotten when its time*i came to understand the change i needed was inside of me, We really don’t maximise our God given Authority AS God’s creations#PRAYER#

Genevieve Nnaji Dazzles In Traditional Attire At A Friend’s Wedding

The stunning actress was in Anambra state for a friends wedding and her look in the traditional outfit was totally stuning.

More photos below

Daredevil! Alex Ekubo goes Skydiving (Photos)

Nollywood actor and model, Alex Ekubo decided to be adventurous and go skydiving in London.He said ""Life is too short..find what makes you Happy & JUST DO IT !!!!

Looks scary.. See photos below

Friday 24 April 2015

Constitution Amendment: Senate, President Jonathan To Meet In Court

Majority of the members of Senate said they are ready to meet Presidency in court over annulation of all the proposed amendments to the 1999 constitution.

On their turn, members of the House of Representatives repeated that the legislators met the constitutional requirements on the process.

Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan has called on the Senate President, David Mark and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal to stop moves by members of the National Assembly to go ahead with the constitution amendment process.

The senators who responded to the case filed by the president to annul the amendments carried out on the constitution vowed to apply for a faster hearing when the National Assembly is served with court processes so that the matter would be bestowed before the end of the 7th senate.

In addition, the senators said as they were waiting to be served the court processes, the Presidency should return the initial copy of the bill sent to it.

Ita Enang, chairman of Senate Committee on Rules and Business, said the choice of the Presidency to challenge the constitution amendment in court was a good development.

He added that the action of President Jonathan was a sign that he was a patriotic Nigerian interested in the good of the country.

Meanwhile, he faulted the time it took the Presidency to raise objection to certain aspects of the amendment, underlying that it would be the duty of the court to control whether the National Assembly followed the required legal procedure in the amendment process.

Enang said: “I do not at all quarrel when anybody goes to court, I quarrel when you start calling press conferences and abusing the other party. Was the Presidency not party or aware when these matters were available for public hearing? Did they come for the public hearing to make any of the points they are making in court.

”I will refuse to see the action of the presidency as a slight because this is what we passed, the Supreme Court Additional Jurisdiction Act, it is only that it is coming too late in the day, but we should apply for accelerated hearing; it is not a slight, I don’t see it that way even though some of my colleagues may see it that way.

“At every stage during the hearing of the matter, the Attorney General, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, the Special Adviser to Mr President on National Assembly Affairs, all of them were there at the various hearing.

“But at the same time, if the President feels that the provisions in the constitution amendment is going to whittle down the powers of the executive and that he is not going to leave a weak or embattled executive and he is challenging it, I think it is a show of faith in the country that he does not want to leave a burden on the incoming government.”

President Jonathan vetoed the amendment on Monday, April 13.

Some senators said that they have two options either the institution approves the position of Jonathan or goes ahead to override it.

It's not easy! Chika Ike marks 5 months No S ex

Chika Ike is celebrating 5 months of being celibate (No s ex)
Hi Guys! I must say its not easy being celibate... Five months and still!! I'll be in bed all day, Hugging my pillows.... Lol

Maheeda shows off stunning new look

Maheeda who has been on low cut and no makeup for a while decided to go fierce with her new look and she looks flawless.

See another below

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