Tuesday 26 August 2014

Satan Brought Ebola On Us – T.B. JOSHUA

Preacher, T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), has said that Ebola virus that is ravaging West Africa is from ‘the pit of hell’.

T.B. Joshua
Pastor TB Joshua in Colombia

On Sunday, T.B. Joshua was leading his congregation in prayer for the nations and individuals affected by the disease, and prayed that life would come back to normal for the citizens of the nation.

He said: “The so called strange ailment coming from three nations – Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia… satan is the manufacturer, the source, “Begin to capture the covenant of that strange sickness,” the cleric then enjoined the congregation. “Command that strange ailment to come out and go to the pit of hell, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“Because of Christ, people of Liberia, Sierra Leona, Guinea, you are released”.

The pastor said that God had spoken to him and he said: “People are no longer their brother’s keepers because of this strange disease, Once satan takes love out of people, he has taken life. Satan is not happy that we are one; he is against oneness. He knows when we are not one, we can be defeated”.

“The weapon satan is afraid of is love,” “Satan can fight anything but he cannot fight love.”

He cited the scripture Luke 18:8 and said: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

He told the Lord’s followers to not abandon faith as these where challenges of the last days.

Mr. Joshua had been in the news recently when he sent 4000 bottles of ‘Anointing Water’ to the Ebola-stricken nation of Sierra Leone on the request of the government, alongside $50,000 in humanitarian aid.

He also helped the Federal Government to debunk the rumour that bathing in salt water could prevent the disease.


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