The death toll at the College of Agriculure, Gujba ,Yobe State has risen to 78. At least 50 of them were students who were attacked in the early hours of yesterday morning as.....


Annel Snyman, a 31-year-old, from the Waterberg region of South Africa, has adopted a tiny cob of a white lion last spring. Now the lion, called Tima.....


Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were.....


20 year old Miley Cyrus appeared completely naked in the music video for her new single, Wrecking Ball. She's really a wild child, isn't she? See more photos and the new video after the cut...


Ladies, can you rock this dress?

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Cuteness Overload-Kim K and North West step out in matching white outfits


 Kim stepped out in yet another matchy outfit with baby North who always looks cute and overwhelmed.

Meanwhile her fans are asking if this is her only pair of shoes.She has been rocking them for weeks.

I think everyone has that fav item you just keep rocking


They Defected Because I Didn’t Put Money In Their Pockets - Oshiomhole


Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomhole, has made his stand known against members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) who defected to rival party.

Punch reports that the state governor said he would not apologise in any way to former members of the APC at the presentation of staff of office to Alhaji Jackson Etokhana as the Oghieavhianwu of Avhianwu.

Oshiomhole, who described how traditional rulers need to be at alert so as to identify politicians who do not have the interest of the people at heart, said:  “So, those who defect because I do not put money in their pockets, let them continue to defect; no apology. Everybody will be remembered when they write the history of politics in Afemai land.”

“We must use every opportunity to educate our people. This afternoon, your Royal Highnesses, I am not asking you to go and carry party cards. I only ask you and your chiefs to educate our people to distinguish politicians, who will stand only when it is good for their family, not when it is good for the larger community.

 He further continued by saying: ”I want it to be said that when I left office, our people started distinguishing thieves from real politicians. Our people must learn to begin to interrogate all manners of political miscreants, who come wanting to cash in on the poverty of our people. I always say that to be poor is not to be crazy. So, we must be clear.

“Those who called for Afemai Agenda believing that when an Afemai man becomes the governor, he will carry state money and share to them. And once they do not get it, they abandon Afemai Agenda and now they have turned only to the agenda of their stomach infrastructure. “You will always be governed by politicians, whether you like it or not, but you must carefully select your politicians on the basis of those who understand that state power is not for the private comfort of those around the state operators.”

However, Oshiomhole promised that neither him nor his administration would interfere with traditional matters as he has great respect for the culture of the land. He further used the opportunity to clear himself saying he would not “sponsor anybody to write a petition against any royal father,” hence, the need for all traditional rulers in the state to be in harmony with his administration.

He assured the newly installed royal father, Alhaji Jackson Etokhana, as well as the entire people of Avhianwu Clan, of government’s continuous support in the provision of infrastructural facilities to the community.

It would be recalled that just recently, the Edo State government, in a bid to keep the people of the state in a healthy state, has set up a committee over the Ebola Virus Disease rampage in the  country.

Rita Ora rocks N9m($56k) nails....


Rita Ora had all eyes on her at the VMA's and it wasn't just because raunchy outfit. It was her $56,000 diamond customised manicure. Yes, just the nails.

Now that's a diva
rita-oras-nails-mtv2_280x420 rita-oras-nails-mtv3_280x344 rita-oras-nails-mtv4_193x480

Satan Brought Ebola On Us – T.B. JOSHUA

Preacher, T.B. Joshua of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN), has said that Ebola virus that is ravaging West Africa is from ‘the pit of hell’.

T.B. Joshua
Pastor TB Joshua in Colombia

On Sunday, T.B. Joshua was leading his congregation in prayer for the nations and individuals affected by the disease, and prayed that life would come back to normal for the citizens of the nation.

He said: “The so called strange ailment coming from three nations – Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia… satan is the manufacturer, the source, “Begin to capture the covenant of that strange sickness,” the cleric then enjoined the congregation. “Command that strange ailment to come out and go to the pit of hell, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“Because of Christ, people of Liberia, Sierra Leona, Guinea, you are released”.

The pastor said that God had spoken to him and he said: “People are no longer their brother’s keepers because of this strange disease, Once satan takes love out of people, he has taken life. Satan is not happy that we are one; he is against oneness. He knows when we are not one, we can be defeated”.

“The weapon satan is afraid of is love,” “Satan can fight anything but he cannot fight love.”

He cited the scripture Luke 18:8 and said: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

He told the Lord’s followers to not abandon faith as these where challenges of the last days.

Mr. Joshua had been in the news recently when he sent 4000 bottles of ‘Anointing Water’ to the Ebola-stricken nation of Sierra Leone on the request of the government, alongside $50,000 in humanitarian aid.

He also helped the Federal Government to debunk the rumour that bathing in salt water could prevent the disease.

Delta 2015: Ochei denies pulling out of guber race

Hon. Ochei

Former Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly, Hon Victor Ochei, has denied abandoning his ambition to govern the state in 2015.

Ochei, who resigned as Speaker in March this year, following an impeachment scare, reiterated his determination to win the ticket of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

He said he is embarking on statewide consultation with stakeholders to sell his candidacy.

Ochei, who represents Aniocha North, emphasised that his resignation as Speaker has not dampened his zeal to run for the number one position in the state.

He stated: “I am in the race. My removal as Speaker did not in any way dampen my morale as far as his quest for the ticket is concerned. I am presently holding series of meetings with my supporters and other political leaders across the state.

“I have what it takes to govern the state. I never dropped out, as was being speculated when I was removed as Speaker. I am strongly running for the governorship.”

To demonstrate his resolve, Ochei said that he has since mounted billboards, proclaiming his ambition, on the Benin-Asaba Expressway and other major roads across the state.

Twenty-seven out of the 29 members of the House had last March endorsed an impeachment notice against Ochei, citing lack of transparency and high-handedness on his part.

Ochei resigned his position before being impeached.

(The Sun)

Monday 25 August 2014

Mercy Johnson- ''I hid in a car boot the first time I met Genevieve Nnaji''


Mercy Johnson is as real it it's gets. She doesn't hide her admiration for her peers especially Genevieve Nnaji. She opened up to City people magazine on the first time they met

Ahh! The first time I met her, my friend took me there. When we got to where she was, I became nervous. I told my friend “no let me hide in your boot.” And I did. I got into her boot. (laughs) Can you imagine I came to see her and when I got there I wanted to run back. I jumped into my friends boot. So, when she came out of the hotel, I could not see her, I could only hear her voice.
The 2nd time I saw her was on set. When she came down and I met her she said ahh! Mercy I like your movies and I started crying. I was in tears of joy. I said Aunty Genevieve, so you watch my movies. She was sort of embarrassed. Before I met her, she had already known that there was somebody who was crazily insane about her. She was really nice to me, receptive. And even whenever we work together she will correct me and say that thing you did, you could have done it this way.

Usually, in life, you will know somebody, who is more than you. Give him or her that respect. You can’t fight a battle you can’t win. It does not make any sense. If somebody is much more than you, there is nothing as big as you admitting it, and hearing from that person. I didn’t come into the picture to compete with anybody. I didn’t come into the picture to rub shoulders or outshine anybody. I came to learn, do it well, make it and be there.

On stories of their rumoured beef 

I really don’t know. I love Genevieve a lot. Growing up I discovered myself on time, I got to know my potentials. I got to know my weaknesses and I respected them. So, I didn’t really look at anybody as a threat, because the field is big  enough. It is so large. All you have to do is make your footprint matter and people will come. You don’t force the fans to like you. In my entire career nobody for me has been worth my distraction or was enough to be a competition for me. It is do your thing I do my thing. We have different physiques, different voices. Let the fans choose, who does it better. It is only those who don’t know the meaning of self-realization that will begin to see someone as a threat. I never did see anybody as a threat. I saw my seniors as a pathway for me to learn from, not as a threat. I didn’t come into the industry because I wanted to take over from them, because there is no movie I will do that will measure up to what they had done.

There is no acting I will act today that Genevieve has not acted. So, it was more like I want to learn from you, and I want to better myself for me, not because I want to edge you out. The industry is so large that only one person can’t occupy it. It is when you don’t understand who you are, when you have not realized self actualization, you don’t know who you are, that is when you begin to see people as a threat, or as a competitor. That came up at a point in my career. It came up and it even made me stronger and bigger. Nobody was actually worth my distraction, or strong enough to be a competition for me.

He must be Special! Jennifer Lopez and ex boytoy loved up at the VMA's (Photos)


 The older a woman gets, the more understanding she becomes when it comes to relationships. This may be the case as for the first time ever, J Lo has been publicly spotted with an ex.

The 44 year old beauty who usually moves quickly to the next must love her 27 year old ex,Casper Smart. She took him to the VMA's last night and he was seen handing her a skittle.

You can see the look of love..So cute...

Go To pless Day! Women Around The World Take Off Their Sh irts To Celebrate (PHOTOS)


Women all around the world will be getting something off their chest on Sunday: Mainly their tops.

Aug. 24 marks Go To pless Day, a 24-hour period where women (and men) are encouraged to bare their upper bodies in order to protest hypocritical laws that force women to cover their br easts while allowing men to walk around with no sh irts.

This year marks the seventh anniversary of the pro-br east protest, organized by a group of UFO believers called the Raelians.

Members believe that humans were created by advanced extraterrestrial scientists known as the “Elohim,” and that not allowing women to go to pless is an insult to the aliens’ artistry.

This year, rallies are planned in 54 cities around the world, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Denver, Miami and Washington, D.C.

Go To pless spokeswoman Rachel Jessee said the principle of the protest is to promote “equal rights and respect for each other.”

“The idea that women should cover up is shameful,” she told The Huffington Post. “We should not feel ashamed. We want to instill self love and a love for each other.”

In some cities, like Washington, the female protesters will bare their br easts while males will wear bikini tops to show their support.

In cities with more rigorous public decency laws, protesters will wear something called “The Tata Top,” a bikini top designed to resemble n ake d female br easts, complete with ni pples.

Jessee has participated in two other to pless protests and said the reaction from spectators varies.

“Lots of people are supportive,” she said. “Some people who are against it don’t stay around too long — except for the people with signs that say, ‘You’re going to hell.’”

As the photo below amply demonstrates, many of the female participants are attractive. Jessee admits she’d like to attract more conventional-looking people to this year’s rallies.

“We encourage people of all ages and sizes to join in,” she said. “Sometimes, it’s much more difficult to get people who aren’t fit to show themselves.”

There is also another contingent she is concerned about: Guys who ironically support the cause as an excuse to see bare-br easted women.

“I say to them: If you really are for this cause, bring your girlfriend, sister and mom to the rally, as well,” she said.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Music: Maheeda – Can You Handle It



Rapper, singer, social media phenomenon, beauty queen of controversy MAHEEDA, is asking if you can handle it with her new hot single Prod. by TeeBeeO “CAN YOU HANDLE IT”. MAHEEDA always brings something new and different to the table to suit all kinds of taste buds. Maheeda will be touring Australia in September and is currently in Nigeria.
Enjoy this new dance track.”

Music: Maheeda ft Terry G – Booty


Maheeda ft Terry G - Booty

The queen of controversy Maheeda is hot and on fire with the street-hop king Terry G as they bring you a brand new club hit produced by Terry G himself called “Booty”.
We always expect the unexpected from Maheeda and when you combine the two them together in the studio then you get this mad club tune.

How a Guy I so Much liked broke my Heart - Toolz


OAP Toolz talks about the time a guy she liked broke her heart In a recent interview with Entertainment Express, radio personality Toolz talked about the time a guy she liked told her he wasn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with her.

What she said below…

“There was this guy I met during my final year at the University. He had just moved from Houston and didn’t know a lot of people in London and after a few random conversation about course work, he asked me out. Our first date was amazing and after about a month of seeing each other a few times a week, I was almost certain he was “the one”. After dancing around the issue for a week or two, I was finally brave enough to bring up the “where are we” issue. His exact words were “I really like you Tolu, but I’m not looking for a relationship right now”. I had to take a moment to mentally pick up the fragments of my broken heart, then I smiled at him and said “No worries, it’s okay”

What is the biggest lesson you have learnt from heartbreaks?

“I did learn a valuable lesson from this. One of the worst things you can do in life is to lie to yourself and potentially rob yourself of what you truly deserve. Whether it be a relationship, a job, whatever situation it is, do your best to be honest with yourself. If a situation isn’t giving you what you need, don’t fool yourself. Have enough self respect to say ” I am not getting what I want from this situation and I honestly won’t be able to settle” she said

''King of Rap'' Vic O shows off his 6 pack abs (Photos)


Self proclaimed "King of rap" Vic O says he's back. He shared photos of his sexy self.

Feel free to drool ladies


How A Schoolgirl Lured Her Teacher Into Terrible Sin


It is not all the time that teachers are the ones who lure their students or pupils in having carnal knowledge with them, sometimes, there are randy students who are the responsible for such acts.

Poor Russell Woolwright fell into temptation that has gotten him in a big trouble because he couldn’t withstand a teenage pupil temptation to have carnal knowledge of her.

She had sent him a string of lewd emails and had invited him to an isolated place where he had committed the act with her.

She was the one who had made a complaint of breach of trust and Woolwright is facing a trial ,charged with two counts of causing or inciting carnal activity with a girl as an adult in a position of trust.

Woolwright said he said: "(She) sent the emails and said 'party in my pants' and by that stage the alarm bells were really ringing."

He added: "I thought 'let's just try and simmer this down and just hope this is like a joke and hope it will stop.

He said: "I saw it as an opportunity to say 'look these emails really have to stop. It's inappropriate in the language that's been used.'"

He added: "I was talking to her about the emails and she leant forward to try and kiss me. I sort of leant back and turned my head to the side and she caught me just be the side. At that point I said 'leave me alone.'

He said: "I didn't think it was necessarily appropriate to go to the headmaster about. I felt I could deal with it.

Checkout Peter Okoye in sexy new photoshoot


In anticipation of P Square's 6th studio album in September, Peter Okoye just shared hot photos from a new photo shoot......

See more below...


Saturday 23 August 2014

Women With Big Backside Turn Me On - IK Ogbonna Reveals

Nollywood actor/model IK Ogbonna in a recent interview reveals the type of women that turns him on.
Nollywood actor/model IK Ogbonna

IK Ogbonna told NET during a recent interview that he has a liking for women with big yansh, admitting it’s a great turn on for him.

He said: “Women with big yansh are expected to be fat but if you see one that has worked on herself, I appreciate it and it’s a big turn on for me.”

Meanwhile, clearing the air on claims that he is into older women, the Nollywood actor said: “At no point in my life have I had to sleep with older woman for money. I have dated ladies that aren’t wealthy too, what would you describe me as then? When I date people, I do for the chemistry between us.”

On the report that he is gay he insisted:  “I disgust it even the Bible does. My love for women is even so much that you must be extremely feminine for me to love you.”

It was reported in 2013 that the Nollywood actor IK Ogbonna’s alleged trip to the US was to satisfy the s ex ual urge of his female customers as a gigolo and a homo s ex ual.

There were reports which made rounds that IK Ogbonna is gay and gigolo. However the celebrity debunked such rumours.

However, IK Ogbonna has insisted that God’s grace and his his hardwork finally paid off as he struggled to achieve the success he enjoying.

IK Ogbonna in an interview said: “Seven years ago when I moved down to Lagos, for like three years or so, I slept in cars. I had this friend of mine that I used to sleep in his car and burn insecticide at night. I always carry myself well because I know where I am destined to be. I kept on pushing. Sometimes I slept over at the club when there is no friend’s house to pass the night. I was homeless. I had things very rough at a particular point in time. It is God’s grace that is working for me.”

The father of one was recently rumoured to be dating Ghanaian actress, Juliet Ibrahim.

SOURCES: news, Thenetng

Big Girl now! Kim K shows off North West as she takes her first public steps


Baby North took her first public steps as she stepped out with mama Kim. Usually without shoes,she had to wear one.. ...How cute is this Loving the matchy outfit Kim does with her these days..


American Doctor Treated For Ebola Discharged From Atlanta Hospital

Kent-Ebola-150x150An American doctor who contracted Ebola treating victims of the deadly virus in Liberia has been released from a U.S. hospital.

Atlanta, Georgia’s Emory University Hospital, officials said on Thursday in Atalanta that Kent Brantly was released after receiving the ZMapp treatment, the experimental drug.

“Kent Brantly is given ZMapp, a trial drug used on a handful of patients in the West African outbreak, and flown to the U.S. this month,’’they said.

The hospital said it would hold a news conference to discuss Brantly’s case and that of a second American, Nancy Writebol, being treated there with ZMapp.

Mapp, the supplier of the drugs has said that the drugs have been exhausted due to high demand.

Samaritan’s President Franklin Graham said Brantly would leave Emory hospital after the news conference.

“I have marveled at Brantly’s courageous spirit as he has fought this horrible virus with the help of the highly competent and caring staff at Emory University Hospital.

“We have more than 350 staff in Liberia, and others will soon be joining them, so please pray for those who have served with Brantly ,’’he added.

Graham said the other doctors, aid workers and organisations that are at this very moment desperately trying to stop Ebola from taking any more lives, should also be put into prayers.

Brantly and Nancy Writebol were flown out of Liberia earlier this month and have been getting treatment for the deadly disease in an isolation unit at the hospital.

The two were infected while working at a missionary clinic outside Liberia’s capital. [Reuters /NAN]

Kim Kardashian Flaunts Hourglass Shape… Totally Puts Figure 8 To Shame (PHOTO)

She leads and others follow!

Sorry ladies… you might think you have an hourglass figure but you’re probably a rectangle or a triangle were Kim Kardashian is concerned.

This is one lady who’s is never shy of embracing her infamous curves in any outfit she deem appropriate.

The 34-year old Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s star shared a photo via her Instagram page on Friday, August 22, 2014 showing off her enviable body in a tight black corset.

Oh no she didn’t!

Yes she did and we’re loving every bit of it!

She captioned it:

#hourglass #waisttraining #nophotoshopnecessary#

What bothers me about Nigerian Ladies -Duncan Mighty


What bothers you about Nigerian ladies at the moment?

Every girl wants to bleach.

Are you bothered about the new kids on the block? wizkid? davido?


Why are you not bothered?

What I do is totally different. My kind of music is quite different from theirs.

Duncan Mighty told the Nigerian Tribune..

The President Said He Doesn’t Have Any Money To Give -Omoni Oboli

Omoni Oboli-OnoBello-814_280x197

If there is one Nollywood actress who has made history recently in her movie premiere, it is Omoni Oboli, the lady who had taken her movie, Being Mrs Eliot to Aso Rock.

The event had attracted the President, his vice, senators and other top government officials. If you think that the actress came home with bags of money , that may not be true.

“It wasn’t about money. When they told us that they would give us audience to do the screening,they asked me what I wanted and I said I wanted nothing.

“All I said is that they should see the movie and give their blessings, that, that alone is for the industry. The president even said it at the event that he doesn’t have any money to give.

“ So if anybody is saying something else, it’s their problem. It’s the same small purse I went with that I came back with.

“After the event, I and my colleagues came back to Lagos the next day. I didn’t stay back in Abuja. No money was given.

“Money wasn’t really the motivation. It wasn’t as if I didn’t need money, I did. In fact, many times I was broke and I needed money badly. I was brought up in a way that you don’t do a bad thing because you need money

Obasanjo Commends FG, Lagos On Ebola


Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has commended the Federal and Lagos state governments for curbing the spread of the Ebola virus in the country.

The former President stated this at the opening ceremony of the 11th Biennial International Conference on “Drugs, Alcohol and Society in Africa” organized by the African Centre for Research and Information on substance Abuse (CRISA).

This came as Ogun State government has procured a variety of emergency supplies including specialised Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) as part of its efforts at strengthening its preparedness towards curtailing the sudden outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

Sequel to this development, Officers of the State Ministry of Health have sensitised Environmental Health Officers Association on safe practices relevant to viral hemorrhagic fever containment.

Obasanjo who however, submitted that if the attention given to the dreaded virus had been given to the abducted Chibok girls about three months ago, the story could have been different today.

He called for collective efforts at the West African region to stem the tide of the virus in the region.

According to him: “I have always believed that where we have done well we should be able to commend ourselves whether or not anybody comments. On the other hand, where we have not done well enough, we should be bold and courageous enough to admit our failing, show remorse and make correction.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Lagos State Government and the Federal government separately and collectively have done very well in the prompt measures taken to stem the tide of Ebola disease and to prevent the spread into an epidemic proportion both in Lagos and in the country .

“We should hail these efforts which are in contrast to the efforts and time deployed to rescue the 276 Chibok girls abducted. The difference is clear and the results are obvious. Where we fail like in Chibok, no excuse will absolve us from the responsibility and guilt that will remain for years and decades to come.

Receiving the PPEs, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Dr. Daisi Odeniyi said that other efforts of the state towards curtailing the disease included visitation of the State Steering Committee to the isolation centers being prepared by the state to further step up the capacity to combat any outbreak of the disease.

The Permanent Secretary further said that the regular meeting of the Emergency Operation Committee and the Sub-Committees on ebola would take place as the State continues to implement its Emergency Response plan. [Vanguard]
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