The death toll at the College of Agriculure, Gujba ,Yobe State has risen to 78. At least 50 of them were students who were attacked in the early hours of yesterday morning as.....


Annel Snyman, a 31-year-old, from the Waterberg region of South Africa, has adopted a tiny cob of a white lion last spring. Now the lion, called Tima.....


Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were.....


20 year old Miley Cyrus appeared completely naked in the music video for her new single, Wrecking Ball. She's really a wild child, isn't she? See more photos and the new video after the cut...


Ladies, can you rock this dress?

Saturday 30 November 2013

School Principal Where Pupils Sit on Windowsills Suspended


A story on the dearth of good furniture in Ikeja Grammar School, Lagos, revealed last Saturday drew a wrong chord with the Lagos State Government.

Last Monday, it suspended the school principal for allowing this writer to gain access to the school premises and take photographs of classes where pupils sat on windowsills and concrete blocks while learning.

Even though it was reported in the story titled, “Lagos school where pupils learn sitting on windows, concrete blocks” that the principal was not around when this journalist visited the school, it was learnt that her superiors have decided to hang the blame of the scandal on her.

Efforts to speak to the principal as the news of her suspension broke on Monday, were unsuccessful as she was nowhere to be found in the school. Teachers are not allowed to speak with the press in the state.

But an irked teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the principal was removed from her position as a punishment on Monday.

The teacher said, “This is more serious than you think; you have put this school in trouble. The education ‘oga’ (commissioner) and other state officials summoned the principal on Monday and she has been removed from her position.

“She was asked to start reporting to the office of the permanent secretary of the ministry of education as from Tuesday.”

Our correspondent, who paid an undercover visit to the school on Monday, noticed that the issue had put all the teachers in the school on edge as many of them were seen holding copies of the published report.

It was also learnt that the state government’s education top officials had gone a step further by querying a teacher who was teaching a class when photographs of an array of broken furniture the pupils sat on were taken.

Our source within the school said another teacher, a head of department, is also facing the ministry’s ‘fire’ in connection to the said publication. The Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye, had last week Friday admitted that her ministry was aware of the issue of the bad furniture in the school.

“Thank you for your observation; we are not unaware. As I write, chairs are being supplied and before too long, it will go round the schools,” a text message from her said on Friday. But by Monday when this correspondent visited the school, no new chairs had been supplied.

This correspondent got in touch with the Lagos State Chairman of the All Nigeria Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools, Mr. Babatunde Philips, to find out if the state of furniture in secondary schools in the state had been a subject of discussion in the conference’s deliberations in the past.

But Phillips said he could not comment on the issue at the time.

“I heard about the suspension of the principal (of Ikeja Grammar School). It makes me very sad that she had to be suspended. But we are planning to make our findings about the issue. I cannot say anything about the issue right now,” he said.

The state government’s action after last Saturday’s publication seems to have become a trend in the way it handles issues relating to its responsibilities.

In August 2013, after a report on the state of an orphanage located beside a house owned by the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Orelope Adejoke-Adefulire, operated by Mrs. Rose Nwachukwu, was published the state government closed down the orphanage and arrested the woman even though experts said officials should have monitored the orphanage’s activities in the first place.

When a text message was sent to Oladunjoye on Thursday on the report that the principal was suspended, Oladunjoye replied simply, “Which report is that please? I know a report is already in the public domain.”

At Synagogue, God Has Been Using Our Critics As Our Advertisement - Prophet TB Joshua

Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua of the Synagogue Church of all Nations, in a new interview with Punch, spoke about his church and how he handles his 'haters'.
  • Why is it that your ministry seems to be more popular outside Nigeria than in Nigeria?
As it is written in the Bible, a prophet has no honour in his country. If my people had understood the work from the beginning, it could have affected the glory of God in my life today.  
I may not be accepted by some people in Nigeria but my acceptance in the world has been announcing me to my world. When you look at the people working with me, you see that the ratio of Nigerians working with me are not more than 10 per cent. 
Sometimes when I see some ministries printing handbills, using signboards to advertise their church, I say those things are not necessary. God is the one inviting people, if you allow him to do it, the solution to their problems will be waiting for them.  
At synagogue, our critics are our advertisement. They are people that don’t want to hear about us. They tell other people that ‘that church is devilish;’ unknowingly, some of the people they tell get inquisitive and they will want to come here and see what a devil looks like since they haven’t seen one before.  
God has been using this as advertisement for us. Ninety per cent of people who come here do so in the bid to come and verify what they had heard about this church. 
When some of them get here, they will sit at the back, fearing that they could be hurt. Some put on dark glasses or disguise in a way that will not allow people that know them to recognize them.  
But before the service is over, some of them will pick up their bags and move to the front seats. They eventually become my prayer warriors.  
Let me tell you something that amazes me and that I always thank God for – those who are with me are more than those that are against me.  
They keep supporting me all over the world. I have more, more, more people around the world. Whenever I say this, tears flow from my eyes (sobs for a while). 
These are tears of joy. I get so sad when I hear people’s confession when their eyes become open to what God is doing here. Some say, ‘I wish I had known this, my mum would not have died. She asked me to bring her here but because of what I was hearing about this place, I refused until she died. I hope that she will forgive me.”’

Four Arriving Passengers From US Collapse At Muritala Mohammed Airport Lagos Due To Heat!

There was pandemonium at the Muritala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) Lagos, yesterday evening when four passengers who arrived the city from Atlanta in the United States of America, collapsed due to excessive heat at the arrival hall of the airport terminal.

According to Leadership Newspaper, the passengers, who had arrived aboard Delta Airline, were waiting for baggage reclaim when the 4 who had just arrived from the US where the temperature is much cooler, got overwhelmed by the heat in the arrival area and collapsed.

A source close to the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) told LEADERSHIP Weekend that the cooling system at the airport was not working when the incident happened and that it might be due to the current remodelling of the airport.
It was learnt that two of the passengers were rushed to an undisclosed hospital in an ambulance belonging to the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN)

In his reaction to the development, the general manager, public affairs of FAAN, Yakubu Dati, said the situation was exaggerated by online reports.
Another FAAN official contacted who preferred anonymity said the unhealthy situation at the arrival hall of the airport was not new to most air travellers who had had to contend with it as they passed through immigration and baggage collection.
For those coming from Europe it is like coming from an extremely cold environment to an extremely hot environment and passengers have to sweat it out as they go through immigration formalities and then through the tortuous collection of their in luggage,” he said.

Protesters Disrupt Stella Oduah’s Award Ceremony In London

An award event in London was on Thursday night disrupted by some protesting Nigerian women who kicked against the inclusion of the Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah as one of the recipients of the awards.

The event, which held at the Radison Hotel, Central London, was organized by the Global Peace Movement to present “Peace, Development and Security” award to Governor Yero; while the Aviation Minister, Stella Oduah, was to get an award for “Aviation transformation and best performing minister in Nigeria”.

The chaos started when the citation of Ms. Oduah, who was represented, was being read as prelude to the presentation of the award.

Suddenly, a woman who gave her name as Taiwo Akpabio started speaking and shouting, condemning the conferment of the award on Ms. Oduah.

Speaking at the top of her voice, Ms. Akpabio said it was shameful and insulting for the organizers to give an award to the minister after series of air mishaps in the country under her watch, which resulted in loss of many lives, as well as the alleged scandal in the purchase of the bullet-proof BMW cars involving the minister.

Chaos and confusion descended on the venue for sometime as all efforts to calm down the protester failed.

Insisting that she had the right to speak out and criticize the insensitivity of the organizers, Ms. Akpabio had to be dragged out of the venue by security officials of the hotel.

Weekly Trust reports that as Ms. Akpabio was being bundled out, another protester who gave her name as Maryam Awolowo took the floor and rained invectives against the organizers for giving an award to Ms Oduah.
She too was dragged out of the venue of the awards event.

Both women asked rhetorical questions, including how much the organizers were paid to give the awards to the recipients.

It took a while before normalcy was restored and the event continued with the presentation of the peace and security award to Governor Yero.

ABU ASUU Chair: "President Has No Power To Sack Us... But We're Waitning For HIS Dismissal"

photo - ABU ASUU Chair: "President Has No Power To Sack Us... But We're Waitning For THEIR Dismissal"

 Even the President cannot relieve university lecturers of their duties, the Chairman of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria chapter, Dr. Muhammad Kabir Aliyu, said yesterday.

No minister, and even no the President, hold the power to hire or fire, Mr. Aliyu said.
"Nobody can tell us to go back to work.

"If they think they can get other lecturers, let them go and get them.
"We are not going back and we are ready to be dismissed by the minister. But even the President cannot sack us. Even the President has no place in the university when it comes to employment issues.
"During the military era, General Babangida tried what this man [Goodluck Jonathan] is saying, but did not succeed. And let us see how they would succeed.

"Tell them to do the right thing, but if they feel that they can threaten us, let them go ahead and see where it will take them," Dr. Aliyu said.

Lecturers of the university were unanimous in condemning the statement credited to the minister for education, Mr. Nyemson Wike, that university lecturers who refused to return to work on or before December 4 would be sacked.

"It is unfortunate that these are the types of people we have as leaders. The welfare of the citizens is not their business. Because they learnt that we have voted for an end to the strike they thought that they can intimidate us," Dr. Aliyu added.

"I was one of those that voted for an end to the strike, but I would not obey the directive, and let us see what would happen. They have starved us for over four months, and now they are threatening us. We are waiting for their dismissal," he concluded.

Nick Cannon blasts Kanye West on twitter

Kanye has been on a media blitz ranting about how he's a genius and the most impactful artist of this generation...blah blah blah. Nick Cannon took to Twitter to point out to Kanye that real geniuses don't have to announce it...

Trivia: They've both dated same women, super model Selita Ebanks and reality star Kim Kardashian. See more Tweets below:
When a fan asked if he'd been hacked...Nick said yes, but also said that all the tweets on his timeline including the one directed at Kanye were from him...

Naija's Amber Rose, Honey J Willis is Dating Tonto Dikeh's Ex-boyfriend, Capo (PHOTO)

And they have been flaunting their love on Twitter.

Edo State PDP Offers the Widow Governor Oshiomole Abused N250,000

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Edo State, has condemned the inhuman treatment meted out on a widow by the State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole.

The PDP in rescue of the widow has asked the widow to come to their office and get the sum of N250,000 to help cushion the effects her seized goods will have on her.
This was contained in a press release signed by the state chairman, Dan Orbih.

Edo PDP watched with consternation Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s brutal, inhuman and merciless treatment of a widow street-trader whose wares he ordered seized and who he unfeelingly told to ‘…go and die’ even as she knelt down in fervent protestations and appeals to his pity on a helpless widow.The governor’s actions are appalling, insensate, disgraceful, indecent, cruel and below board.

It is clear that he does not care much about the well being of the people as he pretentiously avowed.
Our hearts go to that hapless widow in this her time of travails and through her, to other widows who have
been oppressed by the unfriendly policies of the administration in Edo State.

The PDP, Edo State will not let any Edo person ‘to go and die’ if it can help it, especially not hardworking people like that widow who are engaged in lawful enterprises that are, in themselves, not easy to carry on.

To this end, our party has instituted an endowment fund for all widows and oppressed people in the state and by this release, we invite the widow captured in the video of the encounter with Governor Oshiomhole to come to the PDP Secretariat on No. 70, Sapele Road, at 11am on Tuesday December 3, 2013 to receive a first-installment sum of N250,000.00 to cushion the pain, trauma and loss occasioned by her mistreatment and the seizure of the items she sells.

Governance is about the people and as a responsible National Institution, Edo PDP cannot be unconcerned about the wrong treatment of indigenes of the state to whom the present administration promised heaven just to win their votes.

We will continue to stand in the gap to ensure that Edo people are deservedly fairly treatment.
If Governor Oshiomhole believes that Edo People sinned by voting him into office, let him remember that he will account for his actions, if not to the people because he apparently does not think much of them, but to God Almighty in the short or long run.

We thank all those who have been humanely concerned about the plight of the widow and have stood out vehemently against the crying shame that was the insensitive action of a governor who seems bent on repaying electoral favor with ingratitude.

Edo State PDP Offers the Widow Governor Oshiomole Abused N250,000

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Edo State, has condemned the inhuman treatment meted out on a widow by the State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole.

The PDP in rescue of the widow has asked the widow to come to their office and get the sum of N250,000 to help cushion the effects her seized goods will have on her.
This was contained in a press release signed by the state chairman, Dan Orbih.

Edo PDP watched with consternation Governor Adams Oshiomhole’s brutal, inhuman and merciless treatment of a widow street-trader whose wares he ordered seized and who he unfeelingly told to ‘…go and die’ even as she knelt down in fervent protestations and appeals to his pity on a helpless widow.The governor’s actions are appalling, insensate, disgraceful, indecent, cruel and below board.

It is clear that he does not care much about the well being of the people as he pretentiously avowed.
Our hearts go to that hapless widow in this her time of travails and through her, to other widows who have
been oppressed by the unfriendly policies of the administration in Edo State.

The PDP, Edo State will not let any Edo person ‘to go and die’ if it can help it, especially not hardworking people like that widow who are engaged in lawful enterprises that are, in themselves, not easy to carry on.

To this end, our party has instituted an endowment fund for all widows and oppressed people in the state and by this release, we invite the widow captured in the video of the encounter with Governor Oshiomhole to come to the PDP Secretariat on No. 70, Sapele Road, at 11am on Tuesday December 3, 2013 to receive a first-installment sum of N250,000.00 to cushion the pain, trauma and loss occasioned by her mistreatment and the seizure of the items she sells.

Governance is about the people and as a responsible National Institution, Edo PDP cannot be unconcerned about the wrong treatment of indigenes of the state to whom the present administration promised heaven just to win their votes.

We will continue to stand in the gap to ensure that Edo people are deservedly fairly treatment.
If Governor Oshiomhole believes that Edo People sinned by voting him into office, let him remember that he will account for his actions, if not to the people because he apparently does not think much of them, but to God Almighty in the short or long run.

We thank all those who have been humanely concerned about the plight of the widow and have stood out vehemently against the crying shame that was the insensitive action of a governor who seems bent on repaying electoral favor with ingratitude.

Really, Really Weird Animals (SEE AMAZING PHOTOS)

The animal world is amazing. Discover some species you have probable never heard about:

1. Red-lipped Batfish
Photo: Red-lipped Batfish
It's a fish that can be found on the Galapagos Islands. Red-lipped Batfish is actually a pretty bad swimmer, and uses its pectoral fins to walk on the bottom of the ocean.

2. Goblin Shark

Photo: Goblin Shark
This is a very rare shark, the only extant representative of the family Mitsukurinidae, a lineage some 125 million years old. Given the depths at which it lives, the goblin shark poses no danger to humans.

3. The Panda Ant
Photo: The Panda Ant
The Mutillidae are a family of more than 3,000 species of wasps (despite the names) whose wingless females resemble large, hairy ants. Found in Chile, they are known for their extremely painful stings. Black and white specimens are sometimes known as panda ants due to their hair coloration resembling that of the Chinese giant panda.

4. Penis Snake
Photo: Penis Snake
Photo: Penis Snake
In the language of science this eyeless animal is actually called Atretochoana eiselti. It is a large, presumably aquatic, caecilian amphibian with a broad, flat head and a fleshy dorsal fin on the body.

5. Umbonia Spinosa
Photo: Umbonia Spinosa
These thorn bugs use their beaks to pierce plant stems to feed upon their sap. Their weird appearance still poses many questions to scientists.

6. Glaucus Atlanticus
Photo: Glaucus Atlanticus
Photo: Glaucus Atlanticus
Otherwise called blue dragon, this animal is a is a species of blue sea slug. You could find it in warm waters of the oceans, as it floats on the surface because of a gas-filled sac in its stomach.

7. Mantis Shrimp
Photo: Mantis Shrimp
Also called the “sea locusts“, “prawn killers” and even “thumb splitters”, this is one of the most common predators in tropical and sub-tropical waters; little is known about them, however, because of how much time they spend hiding in their burrows.

8. Giant Isopod
 Photo: Giant Isopod
Photo: Giant Isopod

The largest existing isopod. The enormous size of the giant isopod is a result of a phenomenon known as deep sea gigantism. This is the tendency of deep sea crustaceans and other animals to grow to a much larger size than similar species in shallower waters.

"Kim's destroyed all of her credibility" - Kris Jenner furious after Kim appeared topless in Kanye's Bound 2 Music Video

According to Heat magazine, Kim Kardashian's mum Kris was really upset when she watched Kanye's erotic Bound2 video which had Kim topless..
‘Kris went ballistic, telling her daughter this is worse than the 2007 leaked sex tape that Kim made with her ex-boyfriend Ray J, because that was meant to stay private, while this was meant to go public.She started crying, saying how ashamed she was to see her daughter being 'forced into something so degrading'. She's saying that Kim's destroyed all of her credibility.

Kourtney told her she thought the video was disgusting and disrespectful, to the family and all their relatives, but also questioned why Kim did it,’ the source added.
The entire family are said to be deeply concerned by the potential damage Kim’s recent appearance could have on the lucrative Kardashian brand. They are considering an intervention,’ said the source. ‘They think Kim is really struggling and 'all over the place' since she had baby North.‘Kim has never let herself be this influenced before when it comes to her image and brand. ‘So everyone wants to go into family therapy sessions - they sit the person down and tell them they are all worried and have therapy as a group.’

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Peter 'P-Square' Okoye & Wife Lola absolutely stunning on the cover of Genevieve Magazine!

When I saw David & Victoria Beckham's Vogue cover today, I said it would be lovely to have The Okoye's or Annie & 2face Idibia's on a magazine cover and Genevieve magazine had obviously thought of that..
The newly wed couple dressed in a white wedding attire look absolutely stunning..Don't they? See another photo below:

ASUU LATEST: UNN, ESUT To Resume Activities On Monday, Dec. 2



Representatives of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), and the Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), declared in separate statements that educational activities there are scheduled to resume on December 2, Monday.

In his statement, the Registrar of the UNN, Mr Anthony Okonta, asured that "normal academic activities would resume immediately."

Students who had outstanding examinations for the 2012/2013 session should report to their respective faculties and departments.

The ESUT Registrar, Mr Chris Igbokwe, also directed students, academic and non-academic staff to report to the institution on Dec. 2. According to the statement, students are advised to return to their respective campuses as the second semester examination would commence on Monday, Dec. 9.

On Thursday, November 28, the Federal Government prompted all federal universities to resume work on or before Dec. 4. The statement, issued by the Supervising Minister of Education, Mr Nyesom Wike, directed the striking members of ASUU to resume work on or before the said date -  or consider themselves sacked.

Video: Governor Adams Oshiomole Apologizes to the Widow He insulted

The governor has been heavily criticized in the social media over his choice of words to a widow who violated Edo State's policy on street trading. He realizes his mistake and has thus apologized.

Omotola, Don Jazzy, named among 2013 Africa's 100 Most Influential People

Actress Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, music producer Don Jazzy, writer Chimama Adichie and musicians P-Square have been named one of Africa's 100 Most Influential People in 2013 by the New African Magazine

Other Africans in the list include Ghanaian/US actor Idris Elba, Nigerian/UK actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sudan supermodel Alek Wek, South African comedian Trevo Noah, South African fashion mogul, Precious Moloi-Motsepe and Senegalese actor Omar Sy. Well deserved. See the full list HERE

PHOTO: Jude Okoye Returns To His Brothers, P'Square

After playing hide-and-seek for days over Peter Okoye's marriage to Lola Omotayo, Jude has finally settled all issues in contention with his brother, and accepted his choice. They are working together again. #Cool.

"I like Jim Iyke. Is he not having a better life now"- Pastor TB Joshua opens up

Pastor TB Joshua in a rare interview with Punch opened up on Jim Iyke and allegations that he pays people to come and fake miracles.He also said God queries him when he invites presidents to his church

On Jim Iyke
Oh please, don’t drag me into that. All I can say is that if a person needs to see a doctor, he should be free to do so. I like the young man. He has been defending himself on the internet. Is he not enjoying a better life now? Are things not working for him?
On allegations he pays people to fake miracles 
 How much will I give to the president of a nation to come here? Even when they come, I don’t get any financial gain but I incur cost because I want to ensure that they are well cared for. That is all; I even prefer to spend my time with the poor than to be with the presidents. If a president visits this place today, the whole of the day will be devoted to that visit, I would have lesser time for the poor people, who need my attention. God has been warning me over this trend so much that when some presidents said that they wanted to visit me, I said no. I said it would be better for me to visit them in their countries. Each time they visit this place, I receive query from God because of my time that should have been used to attend to the poor and the needy that are waiting for me. One soul is not superior to the other, why should I continue to receive query? Really out of three presidents that may visit, there will hardly be one that will show good example of the counsel that they received from me. If the needy are more receptive to God, it is better to give them more of my time.

"I'm Ready To Act Nude" - Nollywood Actress Queeneth Hilbert

Ghen ghen!! Nigerians I want you all to know that you now have a sister who says she is ready to go all out in her acting career and do whatever it takes, even acting completely nude. Her name is Queeneth Hilbert and she has been a model all these year before joining Nollywood. Read what she told a report below...

Where are you from? 
I am from Nigeria.
What part of Nigeria are you from?
I think the fact that I said I’m from Nigeria is okay. Anyway my father is Lebanese while my mother is from Ebonyi State.

Would you mind acting semi-nude, or being specific, on pant and bra?
I don’t mind, if the money is right, why not? The problem with Nigerians is that most of us are hypocrites. This same pant and bra is the reason some of them buy or rent Hollywood movies. What is wrong in someone being free, doing his or her job? Some actresses would want to act a role but they will be like, I don’t want to be criticized. I don’t believe in all that. 
I get a script and if it involves acting seminude, as long as it’s an integral part of the story, why not? If I decide to take up a seminude role tomorrow I know some people will not like it. I am not doing it for anybody to like it. I am doing my job. I am building my own profile. I don’t see anything wrong in acting in pants and bra.

Are you not bothered that that might scare the guys away from asking your hand in marriage?
Are you kidding me? Oh my God! A man that was meant for me by God will look away because of the controversies. Most of the time, 70 percent of the fame we have, comes with controversies. If there is no controversy then there is no fame. That is how it has been, whether Bollywood, Hollywood or Nollywood. 
If you want to be a celebrity, people must talk about you, good or bad, they are all controversies. If a man doesn’t want to ask my hand in marriage because of my controversial nature, he can take a walk. There are many guys out there so he can just take the door and create space for other people to come in. It is as simple as that.

We have a lot of hunky actors in Nollywood, if you were to pick, who will that be?
OC Ukeje, no, not my type. Joseph Benjamin no, he’s not my type. IK Ogbonna no, he’s too fair and he acts like everybody is all up on him. I don’t like dragging my man. You know Gbenro of Tinsel. I would go with Gbenro of Tinsel. I wouldn’t mind playing that kind of role with Gbenro.

Who gave you your first kiss in a movie?
I think it was either John Dumelo or Yul Edochie. I can’t remember.

Off screen, who would you kiss between those two?
John Dumelo
**Damn, this girl is damn bold and straight to the point, no pretending at all!

Why I'm Still Single Despite Everything – BBA's Karen Igho

BBA winner, Karen Igho is really waiting patiently for her "real husband". Below is her latest rants...
"My celebrity status attracts and it scares men away too. It scares some because not every man can handle or understand fame. It takes a strong and understanding man to be able to be with a female celebrity. The attracting aspect comes from when they just want to be with you because they want to be able to say ‘I’ve been with Karen Igho.’ It takes God’s grace to be able to sift the chaff from the wheat.
I’m not in any relationship at the moment because... Love is unpredictable though; if my man comes along the way, then it is all well and good."
I don't know why guys are ignoring this babe. Please, Lagos guys try and consider Karen nau. Lol!

Singer, Maheeda steps it up a notch, gets international management deal

Maheeda singer

Controversial singer, Maheeda has gotten a management contract with Bigjamz World Entertainment. In a statement released by Barbara Kotsoni, the CEO of the Europe-based company says, “Maheeda is one hell of a act and once you see her as a brand you will definitely understand and appreciate her the more, it might take a long while for Nigerians to accept her as a brand but the European, Asia and other market already see her as one.”

Bigjamz World Entertainment is the same company that organized the Davido European Tour in June 2013 and the just concluded Terry G European Tour Maheeda who is well known for her ‘indecent exposures‘ may just finally start selling albums as her foray into the music industry cannot be described as excellent.

Student arrested for stabbing classmate in the head, claims to be a vampire (PICTURED)

laolu ladipo

Students and staff of a Lagos secondary school were thrown into confusion yesterday when a male student stabbed another.

Laolu Ladipo, a JS3 student, waited till the end of the school day and waylaid his classmate stabbing him on his head.

The incident occurred at the  Best Steve College on Olaniyi Street in the New Oko Oba area of  Lagos yesterday afternoon.

Eagle Online reports:

It was gathered by The Eagle Online’s correspondent, Muhsin Hassan, that Ladipo, after stabbing his colleague, attempted walking away.
However, he was stopped from escaping by passersby who had recovered from the shock of the development.
According to information gathered by The Eagle Online, Ladipo had been expelled from four other schools, with Best Steve College as his fifth secondary school.

His classmates confirmed that he brings different types of knives to school.

Another student also said that Ladipo had been saying for a while before the incident that he wanted to drink blood.
He claims to be a vampire who is thirsty for blood. Teachers of the school also described him as “a very stubborn and troublesome lad”.
When Ladipo’s mother and elder brother arrived at the scene of the incident, they descended on one of the teachers of Best Steve College, accusing her of attacking their son and brother during the incident.
The mother was bent on not allowing the police officer present at the time of the incident take the boy away. She said the police must produce a warrant of arrest before taking her son away.
She said the incident would be settled amicably without the involvement of the police. It took the intervention of another police officer before Ladipo could be taken to New Oko-Oba Police Station.
The stabbed student was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Photo Of The Day

More after the jump

Relationships: Seven (gentle) ways to get a man to do anything you want

Couple hugging on a couch
How could a guy get pissed at a girl who’s just spent the whole day giving him what he wants?”
1. Don’t Fear The Damsel In Distress Act
“Whenever I want a guy to do something, I put the sweet on and act innocent. I’ll do just about everything except bat my eyelashes — but it works! Even though I’m not naïve, I’ll act that way and put a little extra sugar on everything I say and do toward him,” says Erin.

2. Bring Backup
“My boyfriend loves surprises (even though he’d never admit that), so I always come prepared. If I want him to go out with me and my girlfriends one night, or if I want him to help me clean the apartment, I make sure to stop and pick up something that he’ll really love — or something that he’s been hinting that he wants. There’s no arguments, no huffing and puffing — just a little surprise and then he’s in my pocket,” says Lisa,
“Seriously, it doesn’t get any easier than that.”

3. Make Him Think The Idea Was His
“My mom let me in on a secret when my husband and I first started dating. She said that the best way to get through anything was to make him think it was his idea. You’ve got to be coy, but whenever I want Jed to do something,” says Hannah, “I make sure he thinks he came up with it — even if he knows he didn’t. The fact that I’m conceding (and letting him think he’s won) is the best way to get through everything.”

4. Go Old School
“Call me crazy, but I just ask nicely — like, really, really nicely. If my guy knows that it’s important to me, I just tell him how important it is and then I promise to make it up to him afterward,” Tara says, “How could a guy say no to that?”

5. Kill ‘Em With Kindness
“Oh,” says Morgan, “I make sure to butter him up well before I ask him to do anything. So it doesn’t look too obvious, I’ll start much earlier in the day and just make him feel really good about himself. Then, when he’s all buttered up, I’ll let him know that we’re going to spend the weekend with my parents! How could a guy get pissed at a girl who’s just spent the whole day giving him what he wants?”

6. Lean In… For A Kiss
“There’s nothing sweeter than a long kiss before asking for something,” Meagan jokes, “It’s kind of my way of saying ‘Yes, I need something from you, but I’m not gonna fight you for it.’ I think a guy can appreciate that — and uh, who doesn’t love a hot, steamy kiss?”

7. Give One, Get One
“I go first,” Brittany says. “I’ll make dinner for my boyfriend and then he’ll take the lead and clean up — without me having to nag. Or I’ll buy him dinner and then the next time we go out for a date, he picks up the check. I think by seeing me take the initiative first, he’s more likely to realize that he wants to do something nice in return. It’s give one, get one, but for relationships, ha!”

Meet the man whose embrace with the Pope went viral (PHOTOS)


In early November, the news went viral that the Holy Father, Pope Francis had embraced and kissed a man whose body and face were riddled with boils at the Vatican City in Rome during  a morning public audience.
The man whose name is Vinicio Riva, has had difficulty staying on his feet for long, and confined to a wheel chair said he never expected that this kind act by the Pope towards him would go viral.

According to Fox4 news his aunt Caterina Lotto said:
“We didn’t think we would be so close to the Pope, but the Swiss Guard kept ushering us forward until we were in a corner in the front row,” recalled Lotto, a woman in her late sixties with a quick smile and an infectious laugh.

“When he came close to us,” she said, “I thought he would give me his hand. Instead he went straight to Vinicio and embraced him tightly. I thought he wouldn’t give him back to me he held him so tightly. We didn’t speak. We said nothing but he looked at me as if he was digging deep inside, a beautiful look that I would never have expected.”

catholic-news-agencyVinicio has long been accustomed to the unkindness of strangers. He suffers from a non-infectious genetic disease,
neurofibromatosis type 1. It has left him completely covered from head to toe with growths, swellings and itchy sores. His mother suffered from the same illness before she died, and his sister has a milder version of it.

His aunt, Caterina Lotto, says his undershirt is often completely soaked in blood that seeps from the sores.

Vinicio, accustomed to stares of shock and fear, was initially confused by the pontiff’s lack of hesitation. “He didn’t have any fear of my illness,” he said. “He embraced me without speaking … I quivered. I felt a great warmth.”

In moments of drama, odd details often remain vivid. “I looked down at his shoes,” Vinicio’s aunt recalled. “They were like this,” she said, holding her hands apart and laughing. “I thought yes, this is someone who really walks.”

The entire encounter lasted little over a minute, and soon Vinicio and his aunt were back on the bus, Vinicio in a state of combined shock and joy.
“He was almost not himself,” Lotto said. “He was shaking.”
“I felt I was returning home ten years younger, as if a load had been lifted,” Vinicio said.

But life returned to normal soon enough. He went back to his job at a home for the elderly, collecting and throwing out the trash, running odd jobs. He works there on weekdays and in slower moments enjoys chatting with the residents who don’t seem to notice his condition. His preferred topic of conversation is the ups and downs of Juventus, his favorite football team.

When I ventured to discuss football with him, suggesting he should consider the merits of other teams, like Rome or Lazio, he was dismissive, shaking his head and wagging his fingers in contempt.
Diego Munari, the director of the home, said Vinicio’s energy and humor help keep the residents’ spirits up. He said, “Everyday he meets a lot of people here who like him, who chat and joke with him.”
A few years ago Vinicio Riva boarded a public bus in the northern Italian town of Vicenza. He went toward the nearest vacant seat but before he could sit down the man in the adjacent seat snapped, “Go away! Don’t sit next to me.”

“I wanted to answer back, but I controlled myself,” recalled Vinicio, now 53 years old. “I felt my blood pressure rise.”

He stayed on the bus, standing.
“There were lots of people on the bus, and they heard it all, but no one said a word.”
When Vinicio finishes work, he rides his bicycle back to the flat he shares with his sister Morena. Aunt Caterina says he can be lazy when it comes to preparing meals, and often prefers to make a sandwich to avoid having to wash the dishes.

CNN Rome producers Hada Messia and Livia Borghese had been trying for weeks to speak with Vinicio, ever since the photos of his embrace with Pope Francis were first made public. Initially his family was hesitant, but the encounter with Francis emboldened him. A change came over him, he said. “I feel stronger and happier. I feel I can move ahead because the Lord is protecting me.”

“Now that people have seen him they will be less detached,” said his aunt, who also hopes the Pope’s embrace and the media furor it whipped up will raise awareness about neurofibromatosis. She is worried that cuts in cash-strapped Italy’s health and social services could impact her nephew.
Vinicio savors his moment with Pope Francis, but says he still has unfinished business.
“I hope he calls me so we can have a face-to-face meeting him and I. I have many things to tell him,” Vinicio said. One of the hallmarks of Francis’ papacy has been to call people, out of the blue.
“What do you want to tell him?” I asked.

“That’s a bit Viniciote,” he said, shaking his head apologetically. “It’s between him and I.”

Sexy Or Trashy? Banky W's Girlfriend's Outfit To Johnny Walker Event (PHOTOS)

Here's what BankyW's woman,  Ghanaian beauty Andrea Manuela Giaccaglia, wore to Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve launch on Friday 16th August 2013.
You like? See another Pic below:

Sexy Or Trashy? (Photo)

Our hot babes here were spotted in Mayfair London. What do you think?
See Another pic below:

SURE-P enrols 120,000 graduates for internship programme

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The Graduate Internship Scheme of Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) has signed on over 120,000 graduates in the programme with nearly 3,000 firms ready to absorb them.
Mr Peter Papka, The Project Director of the Graduate Internship Scheme, said at a sensitisation workshop in Lagos yesterday, that the scheme is aimed at resolving the employability of at least 50,000 unemployed graduates in the 36 states and the FCT, by improving their skills through internship programmes.
The Citizen reports:

Papka who was represented by the Head of Operations, Mr Akubo Adegbe, pointed out that “there is need to sensitise the public about the benefits of GIS so that unemployed graduates will be gainfully engaged.

“Apart from a few large companies and organisations that have taken over 100 graduates for internship, most of our partner firms are SMEs. There is need to sensitise more companies on the advantages of this scheme,” he said.

He further pointed out that “GIS has conducted an interactive session with captains of industry and
chief executives of major local and international companies.”
“Sensitisation efforts have been made in 27 states across the country so far with over 5,000 firms reached.”

He further pointed out that in order to curb sharp practices, “GIS is working hand-in-hand with the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to ascertain real graduates.”

Adesgbe also pointed out that, “according to the National Bureau of Statistics, the current unemployment rate in Nigeria is put at about 23%. This figure varies between geo-political zones, states and age brackets with as high as 41.6 per cent reported for youths in the age bracket 18-24 years.

“We are using this medium to call on graduates to register with this scheme in order to reduce unemployment”, he pleaded.

Sexy Or Trashy? Outrageous Celebrity Outfits At The MTV Video Music Awards (PHOTOS)

The 2013 MTV Video Music Awards held last night at the Barclay's Center in Brooklyn, New York.
Check out some of the head turning outfits some celebrities wore to the event.
See more photos below:


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