Ika Landlords / landladies Association, on
Thursday, 12th September 2013 visited Pivot Engineering Company
officer in Boji-Boji Owa to inquire from the site engineer ho far the company
has gone with the electricity step down project that is meant to serve the
people of Ika nation.
The P.R.O. of the association, Mr. Vincent
Arimoku made the intentions of their visit known to the assistant project
manager as the project manager was said to be absent during visit, saying that
the issue of power supply in Ika land calls for a serious concern, hence they
want to be updated on the level of work.
The assistant project manger, Mr. Toyin in
his response said the company is working very hard towards meeting the December
target set by the government. He went further to say that all the materials
needed for the project, such as the transformers, control panels, cables, among
others are available. In his words “the transformers are on ground and all
other materials are available. The titles have also been laid and once the
foundation is ready, we’ll start erecting the towers about 155 towers which
will connect the substations between Agbor and Asaba.
“Most probably, as from next week, we’ll
begin to cople the transformers”. He stated that the target date is December,
2013 the financial secretary of the association, Mr. G. U. Idiaghe thanked the
assistant project manager for granting them audience pointing out that Ika land
has suffered enough from power outage that is why we decided to visit in order
to be informed on the progress of work made so far. He appreciated member of
the association for their concern and lover for their people.
The Ika landlords and ladies were taken on
a little tour round the site to see the various equipment that were in place.
The president of the association, Elder J. B. Onyemaka (JP), in an interview
with newsmen correspondent stated that Ika landlords and landladies are hopeful
that the project will be completed at the stipulated time. He prayed that God
will provide Pivot Engineering the grace to be able to meet up at the agreed
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