Thursday, 12 September 2013

Miley Cyrus n*ked video 'Wrecking Ball' breaks record as most viewed video in 24 hours

Miley has just overtaken One Direction to break the most-viewed record... her Wrecking Ball video attracted 12.3 MILLION viewers in just 24 hours!

The 20-year-old singer now holds the Vevo record for the most played video in a single day.

One Direction previously held the record with 10.9million views for Best Song Ever.

It has been something of a viewing battle between Miley and 1D over the last few months, with Miley first taking the record when her video for We Can't Stop scored 10.7million, before One Direction's Best Song Ever clip accumulated 10.9 million watches in July. Shortly after Miley tweeted her excitement at breaking the record once again on Tuesday, the amount of people logging on to watch the video increased even more, with the figure standing at 16millon at the last count.

In the video, a Miley straddles a swinging wrecking ball n*ked, licks a sledgehammer and smashes up a few walls for good measure.


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